The Amelia Dubsado Proposal Template for Photographers

Elevate your brand with our customisable Dubsado proposal template

Referral-worthy Dubsado proposals 

Are you a photographer tired of spending countless hours crafting proposals that just don't seem to capture the essence of your brand? Or you're seeing other businesses showcasing Dubsado proposals that look miles away from what you're trying to achieve, but coding is a no go! 

Look no further! My Dubsado Amelia proposal template for photographers are here to help you truly impress potential clients and take your photography business to the next level.

The Amelia template has been created with your unique needs in mind, making it easy to create a stunning proposal that showcases your artistic style and professional expertise. My Amelia template includes customisable sections for your portfolio, pricing, packages, testimonials, and more, allowing you to showcase your work and services in a professional and compelling way.

But that's not all - my Amelia template also makes the proposal process quick and easy, saving you time and reducing the stress of crafting proposals from scratch. Simply plug in your own information, and you're ready to go!

You're struggling…. sound familiar?

Unsure of the first place to start when designing forms within Dubsado

Desperate for that referral-worthy client experience and introduction into your business

You don't have the time to spend in designing your proposals

Feeling deflated when looking at everyone else's beautiful Dubsado proposals

My code-free Amelia Dubsado template has been designed with you in mind. Stylish, chic and minimalist. The templates are simple to install, you just need to edit with your own imagery, update colours, and add content, zero code needed. 
The hard work has been done for you. 

kind words from clients

"Lindsey's Dubsado proposal template is amazing! It was easy to use and meant that, even without much Dubsado knowledge, I could create a beautiful and professional proposal to send to my clients. The template is exactly what I need for my young brand to hit the ground running with a bespoke onboarding process for my clients, without taking loads of time. I would 100% recommend using Lindsey's Dubsado template!"

Lucy Newman


"Where do I even start?! This template has been an absolute GAMECHANGER. I’ve always had to use coding to make my Dubsado templates look nice, which has meant it’s taken so long and been such a hassle when I need to change anything. I was able to customise these templates to suit my brand and business with an hour, ONE HOUR! I can’t get over how much time I had been wasting before getting these. My client journey now looks even more high end, my clients are impressed from the very start and the whole process has been so quick and easy. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!"

Suzi Bird

Ready to up-level your client experience?



What do I receive?


Your code-free, fully editable Dubsado Proposal Template with placeholders to include your own beautiful imagery


A comprehensive video tutorial teaching you how to make the most out of your template


Lindsey Garvey

As my business has evolved, I have truly found where I feel the most passionate. Dubsado, client experiences and everything in-between has definitely become my comfort blanket. My work has been recognised by peers, and clients who have then shouted my name in packed out rooms, leading to incredible opportunities. The design element of my work truly lights me up. This is where potential clients can visually see the passion and expertise that you, as a business owner will offer them. I wanted to make this accessible to everyone, without spending hours playing the guessing game, the hard work has been done for you. 

My client journey now looks even more high-end, my clients are impressed from the very start and the whole process has been so quick and easy!”


With this chic, timeless proposal template you will be able to…

Onboard Confidently 

Feel proud when your client receives their first introduction to your business.

Increase Your Pricing

A stylish and well considered client journey starting with your proposal, gives your the opportunity to increase your prices.

Showcase Your Work

The proposal templates allow you to showcase your work through beautiful imagery and kind words from your clients.

Maximise your opportunity of referral-worthy client experiences through timeless designs and confident onboarding.